In response to a question in a group on facebook about your who you are:

I am from an hour north of Indianapolis, Indiana but now live an hour east of Chicago.

I graduated college from a hick town named Frankfort, where the mascot is the Hotdogs. Not for semi-edible food, but the miniature dachshunds or whatever, tiny dog. But ours has ferocious teeth and it was so mean it gave you rabies if you looked at it funny.

It was, maybe is, being bombarded with immigrants from Mexico for some reason I never understood. Of all the places to migrate to, why that piece of shit little place?

I grew up in what were called smoke shops. They didn't sell cigarettes and people went there to gamble or play pool. My dad gambled while the owner would teach me how to hustle people. The place would be closed, my dad would be broke, and we'd just hang around, maybe order a pizza and watch some TV there. Sometimes we'd take the $5-$10 he had left and get some dinner.

He ended up losing my mom's car, our house, and my mom. I lived with her for awhile and then I lived on what used to be a farm many years ago out in the country. No electricity, no running water. Played poker by candlelight, went to the same diner for breakfast each morning. Came up with stuff to do during the day. Once my dad beat me in a competition to see who could chop down a tree first. Damn it. But it was close...

We got the electricity turned on, my mom moved back with us, and we had an apartment in a very very small town named Mulberry. There's a bank, post office, liquor store, bar, gas station, and a Pizza King. The rest is houses. It's 6 miles from everywhere. Anywhere you see a sign that says Mulberry, it's followed by a 6.

My best friend from high school introduced me to this girl online. He was down in Terre Haute, going to college. He met a girl down there and this was her best friend at the time. We talked, hours each night. At least 8 hours a day for 3 months. She picked me up and took me down to The Haute. Her 2 drunk friends had convinced her that picking up a stranger who lived 3 hours away and bringing him back to her dorm room was a good idea.

I stayed a few days, we fucked like rabbits. She took me home. I broke up with her on Christmas Eve. Who knows why. Panic is my guess. Weird feelings. Love.

I couldn't stop talking to her and soon we got back together and she'd pick me up whenever she could for week long visits. Then we didn't have an apartment in Mulberry anymore so it was back to the farm. No running water.

My girl was from a family that always had luxuries like running water, electricity, expensive clothes, and whatnot. She was a priss. She stuck with me through it though. She endured staying in a rat infested trailer that was about 50 years old for me. She would bring food when she came to visit. We didn't have a stove. A gas grill and an electric skillet was used to cook. We had a tiny fridge that would not stay shut without duct tape.

I had an aunt that lived close to the farm, I'd shower there once a week. I was carrying a towel with shampoo wrapped in it down the road. I saw a cop car pull up in front of me, and turned around when I heard a car behind me. sheriff. "Drop the towel and raise your hands!" What the hell? He got out, his gun drawn. I laugh at the absurdity of the moment and do as he says. Apparently someone reported I was walking around with a gun and these small town pigs were bored. Makes for a fun story though.

My girl got me to go to college, which I am struggling to finish to this day. Not because of intelligence or anything, but I don't really know what it is. School and I do not get along. With that, it meant moving to Terre Haute and away from all that bullshit.

Moved there, my best friend who had introduced us started not getting along with my wife. Made some comments on instant messenger to me, chickened out about sating it to my face. Friendship over.

Moved around a couple times living with my girl, stiffing landlords on the last month's rent whenever possible. My mom lived with us for awhile, which I would not recommend to anyone in a relationship with a severely depressed mother and a tiny apartment. Lots of arguments, including one at around midnight in a parking lot across from the courthouse. One cop car shows up, lights flashing. Then 2 more. Then about 5 cops run across 6 lanes of traffic on U.S. 41. We are both laughing at the absurdity of the moment.

We move to Valpo when she is about done and can finish her classes online and I can too. She graduates with a 4 year nursing degree. We get pregnant. Finally, awesome. We've always talked about a family. We get married. Two days later we lose our son.

Since then everything is pretty much shit. The happiest day of our lives and then BOOM! The best way to describe it would be a massive train wreck. We still can't get back on track, and who knows if we ever will.

That's who I am and where I'm from.

Last edited by J Geoff; 06/10/11 02:52 AM.

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.