Do you honestly think that Torre could get this team in the playoffs with the injuries, poor RiSP production, and lack of quality pitching?

How can you say that they had no injuries and no pitching? I seem to remember hearing names like Key, Wells, Cone, Pettitte (in his prime), Clemens, Wetteland, Rivera, etc.

The team is just a.) old and b.) overrated. While I don't think that Girardi is the whiz "kid" some of us thought he'd be, there isn't much he can do when the heart of the order has a sub-.250 batting average with RiSP.

If I had to choose between making the playoffs and getting embarrassed in the first round (like we have under Torre now for the last 3+ years) by trading away talent for short-term fixes or not making the playoffs and then coming back with a trimmed and expanded roster next year, I'd take the latter every time.