I know a lot of Democrats considered the Obama/Clinton ticket the "Dream Ticket", and unbeatable. The fact of the matter is, putting Hillary on the ticket would have been the one thing that would have united the unhappy Republicans on the fence, and rallied them behind McCain. That's the last thing Obama needs in a so far close race. I still think Obama is going to win fairly easily, but putting Hillary on the ticket was very risky. Biden is the safest choice, which is the smart move when you're still the favorite to win.
Although I think, at this point anyway, it'll be very close, I agree with you JL. I think the Republians were salivating at the thought of HRC on the ticket. Biden was alway my choice. He is long winded, but he is a plus for Obama IMHO. Plus, I'd bet anything if he was asked, he'd know how many houses he owns.

Btw. I signed up for that famous text mail, and never got it.

What a fun idea that was. The media was going crazy following all of the "possibles" all day long.