Originally Posted By: Turnbull

--I think Barzini would want Tom to work for him. He'd need to continue the Corleone police/political contacts to protect his drugs business, and Tom would be the only remaining family member who could deliver them. Barzini might conclude that since Tom wasn't Italian and was a lawyer by training, he'd put pragmatism over loyalty. He'd probably "make him an offer he can't refuse." Tom would recognize that if he turned it down, he'd be dead.

Barzini would have to go through various people to set up the meeting with Tom. Here's the dialogue.

Barzini - Tom, I apreciate how all this has you feeling, but you above all people understand that it was only business, not personal.

Tom -(shows reaction other than to look down)

Barzini - My proposal is a simple one. You come to work for me. Deliver as much of the political and judicial protection the Corleones had. There's a million for you to start, and you can bring in anyone you like who you think will facilitate these relationships.

Tom - What makes you think I would ever work for you after you destroyed my family?

Barzini - They weren't your family Tom, and don't tell me that Sonny and Michael didn't remind you of that every chance they got. I saw how Michael moved you out when he took over and only brought you back when he needed you after his father died. What makes you think he would have treated you any better if he was alive today?

Tom - Thank you for the proposition Don Barzini, but my answer is "no."

Barzini - Think about it Consigliere, where are you going to go? What law firm is going to hire a former lawyer for the Corleones? What? You're gonna hang a shingle and write wills for a bunch of married couples the rest of your life? (gestures to an aide at the table, pulls a cigaret from a pack, puts it in his mouth. In what appears to be a single stroke the aide lights the cigaret and hands Barzini a folder) Smoke Tom?

Tom - No I dont...

Barzini - (flipping through the folder) Nice how you slipped Michael in and out of the country without incident, how you arranged for him to be cleared of all those cop killing charges. Really slick job with that movie big shot. I'd guess between that and your dealings with the late Luca Brasi they'd have you on several counts of conspiacy to commit murder, if not an accessory. After that there's bribery, extortion and a list of other things I have right here. Tom not only will you be disbarred, you'll be doing time. As your old mentor might have said "The pezzanovante will make you the scape goat for everything the Corleones ever did."

Tom - What makes you think I can't keep them at bay already? I have enough money to move to a dozen countries that will never extradite me.

Barzini - I didn't want it to come to this, but my family has no regard for the extradition laws. I am asking you to work for me out of my admiration for your talent. Corleone and the rest of those moustache petes time has come and gone, and you know it. But one thing hasn't changed. To refuse a favor will not bring you anything good. So be practical. Take a week to decide.

Tom - All right. I'll consider it.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."