Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I saw Senator McCain's ad, congratulating Senator Obama on making history tonight. Very classy of him, I must say. It's set to run just this one night.

Hey, TIS. I thought you might be watching tonight!

Speaking of McCain, word non-leaked leaked that Governor Pawlenty of Minnesota may be McCain's VP.

Poor McCain, he sought to steal Obama's thunder by leaking this VP news tonight, and instead its just a fart.

Really, every strongly-pimped McCain VP candidate is toxic in some way, and while Pawlenty aint Chernobyl-lethal like Libermann and Romney would be, Pawlenty is possibly the biggest running mate-dud since Dan Quayle.*

Also, anyone really think Minnesota will actually go GOP this November? I mean to put it another way, how much money would you put on that?

*=Really, its amazing how in spite of that fuck-up of a pick, Bush Sr.'s campaign was strong and powerful enough to win in a landslide in spite of Quayle.