In that case....why are you here at all???
By the way...just noticed my 'Registered' date.
Can't believe I've been a BB member for 7 years!!!
Happy Anniversary to ME 
Happy anniversary, Apple.
This is certainly an historic election, and will be particularly memorable. I thought the last two would be hard to top.
McCain and his staff must see something in Palin, and I believe she will want to make a splash at the convention. She has to if the ticket is to be viable. McCain certainly can't match the excitement of Obama, and perhaps if he picked Ridge (who, I thought, would have been a very good running mate), he wouldn't have been able to break free from the "More of the Same" theme.
By the way, Biden, who is sometimes called Pennsylvania's third senator, will spend some time here. Like Hillary Clinton, Biden spent a part of his childhood in Scranton and still has family there. He'll surely rely on his roots to make an impact on an area that went decisively for Hillary in the primary.