...despite having less years than Obama, that 18 months as Governors means more than 4 years in the Senate....
Actually, that's TWO (2) years in the Senate. The U.S. Senate, that is.
And he's spent about half that time running for President and (in Hillary's own words) voting 'present'.
It appears to me that BOTH sides oughta stay clear of the 'experience' issue. Because
one is going to have serious egg on its face come November.
Anybody wanna guess which one...???

3 Actually.
January 2005 to September 2008.
Again, if anything that issue disarmed helps Obama more than McCain.
I mean its like a Dirty Harry movie, you know how Eastwood always has a .44 Magnum? Why? Because it KICKS ASS and good at shooting holes into people.
Alright, then replace that weapon with blanks. There goes Dirty Harry's great advantage over creeps besides one-liners.
But more than anything, I don't know Democrats who ever thought Obama was more "experienced" than McCain, but more like "He's right more" or "His ideas are better" or "He proposed more troops in Afghanistan before McCain" or whatever.
I mean come on, nobody was gonna argue that. But now those that try to argue Palin is more experienced than Obama...
How about we say
neither are experienced enough for the job? Neither side can argue that he or she is more "experienced," you just fucking can't.