Originally Posted By: Mignon
This liberal media needs to stop focusing on her daughter.

Her daughter could've took the easy way out and murdered her baby but she is doing the right thing by having the baby and getting married.

I am beginning to like Palin.

It's not the daughter they're focusing on. Her pregnancy is just a segue to the broader topic of how the right wing maligns the values of those on the left. At least since the vice-presidency of Spirew Agnew (60s/70s), the right has impugned the religiosity, morality, and patriotism of liberals. And one big way in which they have done so is to point to premarital sex among teens of liberal households and their pregnancy rate. Well, now you have a rightwinger whose daughter is pregnant. Should we suppose that the Palin's have eschewed morality in the upbringing of their children? Should we ask just what kind of moral instruction they've received? Is her pregnancy the result of an absentee mother who pursued a political career rather than give full, complete attention to raising the children she conceived? If it were Chelsea Clinton who was pregnant you can be sure that the right would not be asking these questions. Instead, they would be stating with certainty that they were the cause of her pregnancy.

I think Dr. Laura Schlesinger would give more than a piece of her mind to Sarah Palin.

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