I was very drunk last night. After work I went straight out drinking. Found my umberella in a bar I left it in a week ago. Managed to lose it yet again. Came home for draft (11pm). Tried to draft, didn't have a clue what I was doing. Went to bed with one leg still in my jeans. Forgot to set my alarm clock (because I needed to be up for work - although I still woke up on time).
- I think someone said during the draft you were drunk.
BTW, we REALLY, REALLY appreciated you having your "draft box" open yesterday although you weren't actually on drafting. We had to wait for the entire 90 seconds each time your turn came up, so it made our draft roughly 30 minutes longer than it needed to be.
As a penalty, you automatically get deducted 20 points in Week 6.
I am genuinly sorry about all that. I tried my best and I tried chatting as well but I couldn't get anything to work.