...3 is good but not 4? I'm confused...
Even 3 isn't terrific. History shows that Senators don't always do well in Presidential elections. The last successful one was JFK (and even that's questionable since his father practically bought him the election).
Governors...Carter/Reagan/Clinton/GW Bush...have won the Presidency in recent years. 3 out of 4 of them were elected to second terms. By having the advantage of announcing his running mate after Obama, McCain made the smart move by selecting a Governor, someone with administrative experience, who has run a State. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, while a terrific Senator, would have done absolutely nothing for the McCain ticket.
Don't agree?
We shall see...

So you are using Jimmy Carter, the head of the 1976 Democratic ticket, to defend the back-up in 2008? Jimmy freakin Carter?
Shit, his 4 years is more "administrative experience" than your Palin, and guess what, just in case you forgot:
Carter as President
SUCKED. OK, that peace deal was cool and all, but otherwise...yuck.
Sorry, I guess its a good argument and all, but when a Republican ends up having to use Carter...:D