Well, If it is one thing I have learned, it is to know when I am wasting my time. I'm out of this mud puddle. SEE YA!
Oh, darn. And we so look forward to when you pop in, make your disparaging remarks and leave until the next time you feel compelled to spread your particular brand of nastiness. Ah, well. We'll just have to
muddle on without you.
DC, I'm sure that Sarah Palin did some wonderful things as Governor and Mayor. My concern with her is the fact that she is totally and completely without experience outside of her little world. Saying that being able to see portions of Russia from Alaska gives her international experience is patently absurd. Also, she is a supporter of most issues that I am completely against, mostly the ecology, a woman's right to choose, and gun control.
As for Obama's record, you can spin those things any way you want. I'm sure I could go on a pro-Obama website and quote some glowing statistics. Actually, if you go on the Library of Congress' website, you will see that he has actually been quite active in his 3 years as a junior senator. Most of his legislative effort has been in the area of Energy Efficiency and Climate Change (25 bills), health care (21 bills) and public health (20 bills), consumer protection/labor (14 bills), the needs of Veterans and the Armed Forces (13 bills), Congressional Ethics and Accountability (12 bills), Foreign Policy (10 bills) Voting and Elections (9 bills), Education (7 bills), Hurricane Katrina Relief (6), the Environment (5 bills), Homeland Security (4 bills), and discrimination (4 bills). 15 of those bills became law.
If we're voting solely based on a candidate's beliefs, I personally could never vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. Obviously, there are those that would vehemently disagree with me.