Originally Posted By: Tyler_Durden
Originally Posted By: Ludovico
Eh, I really like the game. Which is what got me to watch the 1st season in the first place. I figure since I bothered to watch it I might as well post a thing or two.

Strange....i haven't played the game but from what i've heard,it suffers from poor writing.Seems odd that you like the game but not the actual show smile.

Originally Posted By: Ludovico
And no olivant, no. I'm quite tired of hearing that the mob has all this ridiculous influence all over the bloody world. I mean ok, I'm aware that it does/did happen, I'm aware it was/is there. but not to the extent that most would have me belive.

Actually,based on what i've "studied" thus far(a few books,articles,documentaries),the power the mob has in its respective era(the golden age and the new millenium) is very accurately portrayed in The Sopranos and in I & II.In The Godfather,the only thing that isn't real,IMO,is the whole code of honor thing that Vito Corleone's family seems too have.

Well the thing I liked about the game was that it was so simple. It did have poor writeing but I didn't care. heres what you do in the game

Talk smack, beat people up, rinse wash and repeat. Just simple fun, nothing complicated like level systems or equipment whatever.

On a side note, I never said the Power and iunfluence in the sopranos was innaccurate, I said Tony baseing decisions on his pychistrist was (or if it wasn't I just didn't like it anyway).

heres what I meant as to what I don't belive on mafia influence and the like.

The whole thing where apparently the mob struck a deal with the allies in WW2 to free their imprisiooned comrades for help in invadeing italy. I hate that story, you wanna know what happened? The allies invaded, they found a bunch of people in prison and thought they were all labeled as "political dissendents" so they just set them all free. innocent bystanders and mafiosi alike.

Or the Mafia killed JFK, what crap is that?

Those are the type of things I don't belive. And I really don't belive anything the godsfather trilogy ever had to say, mainly because of that honor code crap. You want me to belive that sudden;y criminals have morals? Puh-Leese.

Ok so I'm biased against the godfather trilogy, I'll admit it. I'm sorry.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!