I've heard it but I've also heard Milwaukee probably wouldn't give up both players for Cain.

Honestly I would be sad to see Cain go. He has endured so much as a Giant in his short career, mainly no run support*, and he just came out and said he wants to stay with the team because it's the only team he has ever known and he wants to be apart of the turnaround. He's such a good person and is still young and could end up being a really good pitcher that I would be sad to see him go.

On the business side though... Prince Fielder, wow. I think if the Giants get Fielder and some good prospects it would be worth it. I don't know about Hardy, especially since GM Brian Sabean has said that of all the youngsters to get a shot this year, Emmannuel Burriss is most likely to get an everyday job next year at shortstop for the long future. Also, if they trade Cain the Giants still have Madison Bumgarner and Tim Alderson waiting in minors.

I'm going on and on about this but it's exciting. The Giants desperately need a slugger going into next year.

* I heard a stat (I would need to look it up again to be accurate) that Cain has received one or no runs in over %50 of his starts. That's just wrong.

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." -Calvin and Hobbes