It's hard to say really. The Asian gangs that sprout up are usually motivated by the fact that other ethnic gangs are harassing them constantly. But then again the BTK where very business oriented, constantly doing home invasion robberies.

Theres no doubt that the Triads from the mainland/hong kong (even taiwan) are crime as a business. But the varying tongs are iffy, some are, some aren't it's really hard to say.

One could say theres 3 types of asian organizedc rime (at least as far as the chinese are concernced) you have the ones that emulate the blacks (street gangs), the ones in the various chinatowns that will do business almost exclusivly there (the tong related ones), and then the triads who are basically on the level of the Mafia, Yakuza, Red Mafiya, etc.

Then again i suppose one could argue that for ALL ethnicities as well.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!