I agree with the predictions never comeing true but I never took them seriously for a different reason. It's all hype i can't count how many times I've read "They make the mafia look like boyscouts/angels/schoolkids/w/e" and after you see that repeatdly you know it's just trying to make a big scare to get people to buy the freakin' book.

Ok, thats what I figured you meant just makeing sure.

I think for something to truely replace the mob it's got to keep it's base here in america almost exclusivly. It has to become entrenched into the mainstream and the like, sure the colombians, russians, etc. have all this huge ridiculous power back home (blatantly killing politicians and the like) but they seem to really only stick to their ethnic communities here in america. there are exceptions but eh... It's gonna be awhile I think it's a big testiment to the mafia's organizational structure and (former) leadership that they've lasted this bloody long with all this competition about.

Of course thats VERY bad news for regular people like us because that means we're dealing with criminals that much more ruthless and resilant.

I find it odd that alot've kids my age find our criminal past a source of pride for america, kinda says alot about the attitudes of the youth in this country, one would think they'd eb ashamed but then again... look at japan all haveing the yakuza as a semi-legit organization and all.

I will be asking the questions! Because I don't know them!