Governor Palin... is not even close to ready to assume the office. I find her unworldly and unknowledgeable, and I think that she... should stay in Alaska a few more years and get some experience under her belt before she tries a national campaign.
(I cut down that quote but it's still in proper context)
Can't the same be said of Obama? He was only in the senate for two years before he announced his candidacy, and he's the one running for
president . Palin may also be unexperienced, but at least she's on the bottom of the ticket. There is a real double standard going on here, not just from you SB but anytime Palin's lack of experience is brought up without mentioning Obama's as well.
If you remember my bitching at the time of the Palin pick, I thought it undermined McCain's biggest/best argument against Obama, which was on the experience issue.
Now you've had GOP/McCain/Fox News lackeys whine about how Obama has no experience,
but Palin does.
Sorry, but neither have the experience, if that is what you want. Even you can't argue against that Freddie C.
No, what concerns me about Palin is that from all the interviews so far, she may in fact possibly be dumber than our President.
I mean, to quote another BB.Net member, when you're wrangled by a "hard-hitting journalist"

like Katie Couric, you're in troubled.
Then again, how about the fact that apparently in the same interview, Palin couldn't name one Supreme Court case besides Roe/Wade.
I hate the Law as a subject because it bores me, but look at these cases I can come up off the top of my head:
The Dred Scott Decision
Brown/Board of Education
Clinton vs City of New York (SC striking down Line-Item Veto)