Our local paper has some of the most entertaining and "thought-provoking" opinion pieces. I found this one particularly.....stimulating. I thought you might find it helpful in deciding who to vote for. wink

From the "Voice of the People" section of The Press of Atlantic City, Sept. 29, 2008

Palin callous toward animals
Sarah Palin is an attractive woman, but there is much callousness hiding behind her polished appearance. While her religious fanaticism, contempt for science, poor parental skills, cronyism and secrecy hardly qualify her as a vice presidential candidate, the most worrisome aspect of her character is her total disdain for animals.

Palin has the safari mentality of past centuries and may never have met an animal she didn't want shot. She takes pride and enjoyment in killing her defenseless victims and has often posed in front of their carcasses.

As governor, she promoted airplane shooting of bears and wolves and offered a bounty for wolf paws to encourage the slaughter, even though such predator extermination defies wildlife-management common sense. Also, against the opinion of wildlife experts, she denied protection to endangered polar bears and beluga whales for the sake of corporate interests.

Evidently, Palin is a ruthless and deeply disturbed individual. The thought that she might some day control the nuclear button is truly frightening.

Egg Harbor Township

I wonder if Francis has pets??

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12