Noone went after her daughter. What disgrace? Describe it. Palin's daughter is pregnant, 17, and unmarried. That was reported. Simple as that. Her daughter's pregnancy raises questions about her upbringing which was supposedly in an evangelical household. Her pregnancy provides a huge contrast with that household.

TIS raises a great point. If either of Barack's daughters had gotten pregnant that pregnancy would have been attributed to his liberal persuasion. And why in the world would the Palin's introduce her impregnator to Americans as if he was to be applauded. Where is the admonition and recrimination that evangelicals typically heap on others in such situations? He screwed their daughter; their daughter let him. What happened to the abstinence they taught her? Noone went after her daughter; they went after her.

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."