Just a couple observations that perhaps may open a discussion:
1. Anyone notice how CNN site use to show the polls at the bottom of their political page every day? Now, since Obama has a lead, you have to go to the political map to get info. (that's the rightwing media for you)
2. I assume most will watch the VP debate tonight right? Watching all the pundits, I am hearing of all the dos and don'ts that Biden should abide by so as not to come across as condesending, sexist or mean. LMAO. My God, is this precious little flower so delicate that she can't be debated?????
I'll bet the Neocons have their talking points already made up accusing Biden of just those things. Heck, Hillary camp did it too, making accusations of sexism. I just dontnecessarily buy into that. At times, it seems a handy excuse. If you want to debate, you can do it without insults sure, but expect a debate and don't expect to be handled with kid gloves just because you're a woman.

Besides, she may do much better than expected, if we are to believe the taling heads tht she does hold her own in a debate.