Let the record reflect that Barack Obama made the approach to John McCain tonight.
As the two shared the Senate floor tonight for the first time since they won their party nominations, Obama stood chatting with Democrats on his side of the aisle, and McCain stood on the Republican side of the aisle.
So Obama crossed over into enemy territory.
He walked over to where McCain was chatting with Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida and Independent Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut. And he stretched out his arm and offered his hand to McCain.
McCain shook it, but with a “go away” look that no one could miss. He tried his best not to even look at Obama.
Finally, with a tight smile, McCain managed a greeting: “Good to see you.”
Obama got the message. He shook hands with Martinez and Lieberman — both of whom greeted him more warmly — and quickly beat a retreat back to the Democratic side.
I'm not posting this as a reflection on the candidates, but just as an interesting perspective on some of the issues raised in this thread, like teen pregnancy.
[Here’s another scenario that scares the hell out of me: six months into the presidency, John McCain suffers a stroke or heart attack and cannot make decisions for the country. Palin assumes the role as Commander-in-Chief and needs to meet with Iraqi leaders, or to discuss a military response in Pakistan or Iran, etc.
Her being the Alaskan Gov. Isn't she not in charge of the Alaskan National Guard?
What experience does Obama have concerning the Military? Besides him voting against a bill that would fund our military with more money for more armor?
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,323 Happy Valley
Originally Posted By: goombah
Here is why I have no respect whatsoever for Palin as a person, let alone her political stances and her ignorance of so many important aspects regarding the office she is seeking. Palin is an abomination as a parent. I agree that it is not Palin’s fault that her 17 year old kid is pregnant. Regardless, a teenage daughter needs full support to raise a baby. My wife brought up a great point last night about when she had our first child at age 34. My wife called and needed her own mother consistently with many questions about the baby. How in the world is Palin’s 17 year old supposed to get support from the VP of the United State? Worst of all, the baby is the one who ultimately impacted by poor decisions of a teenage mother.
My biggest criticism of Palin as a mother is the neglect of her infant child. How can Palin sleep at night with a Downs Syndrome infant, who needs the attention, affection, and love of both parents far more than a healthy child? I respect Palin's attempt to juggle family and career. But she is running for the world’s 2nd most powerful position, which demands far more than 99% of the jobs we hold. What if the baby needs its mom and Palin is across the world in a meeting or is being briefed about a possible terrorist attack? This is not like you or I getting a call from school that our child is sick and we leave work. It’s quite obvious that Palin's career ambitions are number one and the needs of her family are a distant second. I find that despicable.
Here’s another scenario that scares the hell out of me: six months into the presidency, John McCain suffers a stroke or heart attack and cannot make decisions for the country. Palin assumes the role as Commander-in-Chief and needs to meet with Iraqi leaders, or to discuss a military response in Pakistan or Iran, etc. Or worse yet, McCain is incapacitated for 3 months and Palin has to nominate a Supreme Court Justice. Given the ignorance she displayed with Katie Couric in regarding Supreme Court decisions, our country cannot afford for Palin to be learning on the job. How these hypothetical (yet very possible) examples do not instill complete fear into all voters is incomprehensible to me.
Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.
"The Dewey Decimal System... What a scam that was!"
Let the record reflect that Barack Obama made the approach to John McCain tonight.
As the two shared the Senate floor tonight for the first time since they won their party nominations, Obama stood chatting with Democrats on his side of the aisle, and McCain stood on the Republican side of the aisle.
So Obama crossed over into enemy territory.
He walked over to where McCain was chatting with Republican Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida and Independent Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut. And he stretched out his arm and offered his hand to McCain.
McCain shook it, but with a “go away” look that no one could miss. He tried his best not to even look at Obama.
Finally, with a tight smile, McCain managed a greeting: “Good to see you.”
Obama got the message. He shook hands with Martinez and Lieberman — both of whom greeted him more warmly — and quickly beat a retreat back to the Democratic side.
Her being the Alaskan Gov. Isn't she not in charge of the Alaskan National Guard?
Thanks for that laugh, Mig... I needed one today.
Obama worked on the south side of Chicago for a number of years... I'm sure he saw his share of "military action" there. (At least more than Palin saw in her tenure as governor).
Her being the Alaskan Gov. Isn't she not in charge of the Alaskan National Guard?
Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard said: he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"
Her being the Alaskan Gov. Isn't she not in charge of the Alaskan National Guard?
Maj. Gen. Craig Campbell, adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard said: he and Palin play no role in national defense activities, even when they involve the Alaska National Guard. The entire operation is under federal control, and the governor is not briefed on situations.
Well, she has comandeered a few air strikes against those pesky polar bears.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.
If she were Obama's VP pick and was a dem. I don't think she would be getting all this negative criticism from the liberal media.
Obama worked on the south side of Chicago for a number of years... I'm sure he saw his share of "military action" there. (At least more than Palin saw in her tenure as governor).
All I got to say is I'm glad that the Col. retired and I feel so sorry for our military if Obama gets elected.
All I got to say is I'm glad that the Col. retired and I feel so sorry for our military if Obama gets elected.
Yeah, look how well they've done under Bush.
It really doesn't matter if you have had military service or not. Carter was an Annapolis grad and a long time officer in the Navy, but from a military standpoint he was awful. Neither Reagan nor Clinton served but both were strategic thinkers who did well militarily. Yes I know Reagan did some training films in WWII but that doesnt count.
"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"
Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.
It has nothing to do with hatred and plenty to do with the election. It has nothing to do with what is perceived to be "fair." Palin opened her entire past, including her family, to the public eye when she accepted the nomination. If she didn't want the attention, all she had to do was tell McCain "no thank you." This is not a part-time position in which she is seeking. How it has to do with the election is quite simple. It shows the character of the candidate. It also shows her judgment. I find both to be severely flawed.
I know two mothers of kids with Downs Syndrome. They are constantly going to doctors appointments or having to stay home with their Downs kids, who have a much tougher time staying healthy. Palin's 17 year old and infant need their mother right now, plain and simple. In particular, the infant needs its mom.
Palin made a conscious decision to place more emphasis on her own career and ambitions than the needs of two of her children. Is she the first parent to do so? Absolutely not. But the stakes are much higher here - our country. We are fighting two wars and are in economic trouble. And the United States cannot afford a Vice President zoning out at a national security meeting because her mind is distracted about children. The Vice Presidency is not a position where the country can afford splitting time between work and home life.
Why so much hatred towards a seemingly nice lady? You can disagree with her stances on the issues all you want, but to so harshly criticize her as a mother is out of line in my opinion. It has nothing to do with this election and is very unfair.
If she were Obama's VP pick and was a dem. I don't think she would be getting all this negative criticism from the liberal media.
That's a fair statement, Miggie. But as others have already posted here, if it was Obama's daughter who was pregnant, the right would be all over it.
That's politics. In a perfect world, the family (especially children) would be left out of it. But politics are far from perfect. It is what it is.
"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.
I know two mothers of kids with Downs Syndrome. They are constantly going to doctors appointments or having to stay home with their Downs kids, who have a much tougher time staying healthy. Palin's 17 year old and infant need their mother right now, plain and simple. In particular, the infant needs its mom.
You're 100% correct. I have a niece with Down syndrome, and my sister-in-law no longer works due to it. Taking care of her is now a full-time job.
Her being the Alaskan Gov. Isn't she not in charge of the Alaskan National Guard?
Thanks for that laugh, Mig... I needed one today.
Obama worked on the south side of Chicago for a number of years... I'm sure he saw his share of "military action" there. (At least more than Palin saw in her tenure as governor).
All I got to say is I'm glad that the Col. retired and I feel so sorry for our military if Obama gets elected.
Yeah, look how well they've done under Bush.
It really doesn't matter if you have had military service or not. Carter was an Annapolis grad and a long time officer in the Navy, but from a military standpoint he was awful. Neither Reagan nor Clinton served but both were strategic thinkers who did well militarily. Yes I know Reagan did some training films in WWII but that doesnt count.
Or shit guys, look at LINCOLN.
His grand miltary experience was basically a state militia, or volunteered-locals , to solve/deal with an indian problem at the time, and unless I'm mistaken, all that was rather an uneventful tour of duty.
Then he was forced to task in trying to keep a union intact as the Commander-In-Chief.
I think it's hilarious too, but I think the money could be better spent on other things. In fact. I don't think I've ever seen an attack ad aimed entirely on the VP candidate, and it's a a full minute too. Imagine if Obama put out a similar ad about Palin?
I still stand that the VP debate won't shift or do shit for either campaign, and really quite honestly, if McCain's people are hoping to turn things around with Palin tonight...
That's sad. Not pitiful, just sad like back in 1984, when Mondale deluded to himself that he could maybe have a slight chance of beating Reagan.
With Palin the porcelain doll, and Biden the gaffe machine, it might be an entertaining train wreck, though I doubt either will give the ultimate bitch-slap like this classic:
I think it's hilarious too, but I think the money could be better spent on other things. In fact. I don't think I've ever seen an attack ad aimed entirely on the VP candidate, and it's a a full minute too. Imagine if Obama put out a similar ad about Palin?
With Palin so far, he doesn't have to.
The last time, from my research, where a campaign attacked the opposition's VP was back in 1988 by Dukakis, against poor Dan Quayle.
And well, it didn't quite work out for that campaign in the end.
point is, think of VPs as like the B-side singles. You don't spend $$$ to buy that flip-tune, but at best its a bonus, at worst deadweight.
The best part of that clip is Bentsen's face when Quayle made the statement. Apparently he knew ahead of time that Quayle liked to make that comparison, and he couldn't wait to pounce. ...I was watching CNN yesterday, and I forget the name of the person being interviewed but she made the comment: "Sarah Palin makes Dan Quayle look like Colin Powell." That's the funniest comment so far.