I think she's a little too prepped. She's obviously been filled with a lot of answers that sound good, but some aren't related to the question in any way.
She is quick to speak, many times getting out or around answering a question by either bashing Obama or telling Biden to move "forward. She gets away with it though because she is coming across as friendly/perky (even though I'm not quite sure cause I really don't know her)
It could have been a whole lot worse for her. I think she's holding her own. I think too Biden is probably holding back knowing he'll get bashed if he is anyting less than cordial to her.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
Palin did much better than anyone expected, but Biden definitely knew the issues. Biden for sure.
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 10/02/0810:44 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
(1) Will this debate have any impact, positive or negative, for either campaign? Historically they're sideline spectacles that are irrelevant to the outcome. I think this year is no different.
(2) BUT if there is impact....who's campaign is helped more by it?
CBS is also noting that Palin didn't use any of the chances to set the ticket apart from Bush, even though Biden gave her PLENTY of times to try to differ from him.
While reading through a liberal message board's response, they are just ripping shreds out of Geraldine Ferraro for saying that "both won." Want a sample?
Geraldine Ferraro offends me. Her implications that Sarah Palin being able to debate well proves herself worthy of the job is so offensive to women it makes me sick.
MY point was that she is very good when she is prepped. It's when the questions are unscripted that her wheels come off the wagon.
Sicilian Babe, I assume that you are a woman. How does this unscripted question strike you?
Do you agree?
I think that voting for the McCain/Palin ticket would be a major step backwards for ALL Americans.
As for the "winner" of the debate, I think that they both were well-spoken. However, I think that she danced and danced around answering certain questions by talking about what SHE wanted to and letting the clock run out.
(1) Will this debate have any impact, positive or negative, for either campaign? Historically they're sideline spectacles that are irrelevant to the outcome. I think this year is no different.
(2) BUT if there is impact....who's campaign is helped more by it?
I think the Republicans are probably happy as a pig in shit right now, simply because Palin didn't mess up with any major blunders. I think it is a "feel good" time for them and in that respect helped the Republicans.
As far as which campaign would be helped/hurt. I don't expect any big bounce but IF there is, I expect it to be short lived and very small. Everyone anticipated and looked forward to this debate but once everyone comes back down to reality, it'll be the Presidential debate that drives votes. And, we have two more debates to go.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK
Polling numbers coming in...Only 21% thought Palin won the debate on CBS (Biden at 43%). And only 18% swing voters were affected by the debate in general.
If you judge a "winner" by how they addressed the issues, then you have to give it to Biden, since Palin spent plenty of time dodging them. She spoke well on the points that SHE cared about, but refused to answer certain questions. What's the point of having the moderator ask questions??
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 2,323 Happy Valley
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
As for the "winner" of the debate, I think that they both were well-spoken. However, I think that she danced and danced around answering certain questions by talking about what SHE wanted to and letting the clock run out.
First, I would like to say that I respect you for being the president of the Plawrence fan club. I really appreciated that he took an interest in my high school football career.
But to get back to my question, do you agree that if Governor Palin was elected that it would be a major step backward for women?
"The Dewey Decimal System... What a scam that was!"
As for the "winner" of the debate, I think that they both were well-spoken. However, I think that she danced and danced around answering certain questions by talking about what SHE wanted to and letting the clock run out.
First, I would like to say that I respect you for being the president of the Plawrence fan club. I really appreciated that he took an interest in my high school football career.
But to get back to my question, do you agree that if Governor Palin was elected that it would be a major step backward for women?
Biden did well at countering Palin's "Obama voted to ..." with "McCain voted for it too because it...." a few different times. That was big to me that she tried to distort the facts and Biden constantly caught her and put everything into context.
She did better than expected but that doesn't say much about the public opinion of her, does it?
Long as I remember The rain been coming down. Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun; And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.