Granted, the Indians were absolute shite this season but at least the Brewers made the playoffs no? In any case let's look at both Sabathia and Burnett.

C.C. 17 - 10 253 IP 251 K 2.70 ERA 1.12 WHIP 4.25 K/BB 8.93 K/9IP

A.J. 18 - 10 221 1/3 IP 231 K 4.07 ERA 1.34 WHIP 2.69 K/BB 9.39 K/9IP

Other than W/L which isn't the most effective or useful stat to determine the worth of a pitcher and strikeouts per 9, Sabathia has the better numbers. Sabathia is also a few years younger so yeah I'd say he has the better upside. The scary reality of the situation for non Yankee fans is that little Stein is probably gonna get both of them and a monster bat and every one else in the A.L. East is gonna be pretty much fu**ked next season. I don't see Tampa duplicating the miracle of this season, Boston, well let's just say I don't want them to win. Baltimore??? Seriously eh? That leaves the Jays and the Yanks. As you fellas probably know, our rotation is pretty much fu**ed for next season due to the injury of Shaun Marcum and the fact that A.J. is as good as gone. That leaves us with Doc, Casey Janssen (who may or may not stay in the bullpen when he fully recovers from Tommy John), D-Mac, Jesse Litsch and filler. If the bats are as shit as they were this season, the Red Sox run into some bad luck, the Rays go back to sucking ass and the Orioles remain the Orioles, the Yankees will probably win the East.