Originally Posted By: J Geoff

No, you don't have 98 pts. You have 108 pts, for the week. JL has 58, with 3 more players tomorrow night. It's all up to Eli now! tongue

Lets go Browns *clap clap* Let's go!

Thanks for the update.

I recounted and I have everything right on my sheet, just counted wrong earlier.

I would have more if Keller's TD catch wasn't called back because of a penalty flag and if Addai actually played the fucking game.

Colts are like the Pats with their injuries. They don't tell you a thing. Had I known about Addai's hamstring issues I wouldn't have played him. Of course it wouldn't have done me any good to play Edge instead seeing as he was pretty useless.

...and no comments on the stoke of genius that is "Louchebag"?

Long as I remember The rain been coming down.
Clouds of Mystery pouring Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Trying to find the sun;
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who'll stop the rain.