Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Okay, so I had a few glasses of wine and then clicked on a banner ad that said it'd tell me my IQ instantly. I probably should subtract 50 pts for just clicking on it to begin with, but, I figured WTF. lol

So I take it -- man, I really hate those number sequence questions, and it seemed that was every-other damn question! But in the end, this test said 126 (Top 3%). Not too shabby, I thought -- especially being a bit buzzed. So then I looked up "IQ 126" and this site says I'm comparable to a PhD -- of course ...but then it said comparable to an attorney. Man, what a depressing slap in the face! whistle J/K KL/DT! grin lol wink

I'd've provided the link, but, it's one of those bullshit sites that asks for all your personal info like cell phone and mother's maiden name along with name/address and other crap (mostly I provided fake info, of course)... so... grain of salt! (tho the questions seemed kinda legit)

What do you think about the value of internet IQ tests?
Your post made me curious so I tried two of them this morning. The first one I had 116. The second one said that most of the tests out there on the internet give you a score that's way too high compared to your real IQ. I scored 136 on that test. Go figure...

Needless to say the 2nd test is way more accurate than the other one.

See, we can act as smart as we want, but at the end of the day, we still follow a guy who fucks himself with kebab skewers.