Is anyone watching MSMBC? There is a dinner of some kind with McCain, Obama and Congress (I guess). McCain spoke first and cracked all kinds of jokes (I tuned in at the end of McCain). Now Obama is on and is quite funny.
Some tidbits from Obama
for those who ask "Who is Obama?"
"Contrary to gossip, I was not born in a manger"
(McCain had a good joke to that affect before O got up to speak)
"Barack means "That One" and (per Obama) "I got my middle name obviously from someone who never thought I'd run for President."I wish I could remember more and I just heard it.

I wish I could have seen it from the beginning, even McCain was funny.
Note: It's the Afred E. Smith Memorial dinner, A Catholic gathering evidently.(I guess he is the first Catholic to run for an office or something)They are playing McCain again, if anyone wants to see it.
A great line from McCain, "
I call him 'The One', but he has a pet name for me too.....George Bush.