I am so freakin' exhausted, and it seems I have no time for myself lately. Between going to doctors here, and dentists* there... physical therapy here, and visiting homes for sale there... between family obligations and friends' crises... Fantasy sports here, and a few replies on the BB there. Mix in a few scattered blood tests and MRIs (what am I, 75?). Let alone any type of actual work or hobbies I have no time for....

Watching movies is my "relaxation", and I like to do that every night if I can (if I'm not out, which is kinda rare these days cuz it gets expensive). But my best friend drags me out now and then because he's stuck in his apartment all day long (the opposite of me lately) and he can't stand staying in -- and at this point I can't stand staying out! lol

But tomorrow (Saturday)... I have NO plans whatsoever, and have declined everyone! TOMORROW IS GEOFFY DAY!! NO plans... NO leaving my apartment... NO shower, NO getting dressed, NO doing anything but, doing NOTHING! WOOHOO!!!! cool

*Would you freakin' believe, it wasn't enough for me to go for a 4TH time for the same ONE damn root canal next week, but on top of that, the other day an old cap just FELL OUT for no goddamn reason??! So after the root canal I need TWO caps done?? So next week I have to (hopefully) finish the damn root canal, schedule an appt for the dentist for 2 caps, go to P/T three times, visit my PCP for the blood test results from today, visit some homes, research and sit through a live basketball draft (at least that's fun wink ), and God knows what else.

Shit, I'm rambling now. So be it! Today, I had a P/T appointment in the early afternoon, then went for a blood test, then went to my nephew's football game (he's quarterback on his freshman HS team) which was in my folks' town so then we all went back there for a pleasant evening -- and to celebrate my other nephew's (and godson's) 12th birthday which I can't believe to begin with...

Anyway... I'm sorry if I haven't been around much -- at least outside the Sports forum a few times. I've skimmed threads here and there, of course, but hopefully soon I'll be "back" enough to actually post more often.

And I invite anyone else interested to celebrate "GEOFFY DAY" tomorrow by doing absolutely anything they want to -- and preferably NOTHING at all!!!! Me? I'm starting NOW!! cool

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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