Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I was too young to vote for JFK, but even at 12 I felt the excitement he brought about.

Stop, TIS. You know you weren't 12 until the Reagan administration; probably his second term. smile

Oh, you are so nice PB. Where do I send the check??? lol

Slightly off topic, back to JFK. He sparked my political interest actually. I was at a Catholic school at the time (which consisted of about 50 kids total). JFK's motorcade came down the street. Needless to say the nuns/Priests were all jazzed at the thought of the first Catholic President. Even at a young age, I watched some of his speeches, was drawn to his sense of humor and charm. Anyway, what a thrill to wave as he sat atop the seat of the car. That day I purchased a JFK pin for $1.00 (must have been at least two weeks allowance) grin . My mom was pissed off that I "wasted" my allowance. Deep down though, I was glad I did. wink


TIS, that reminds me of a "mock" election that I voted in while I was in the 4th grade. In November 1968, in a student election at Our Lady of Mount Carmel school, on Bathgate Avenue in the Bronx, a nine year old Pizzaboy "voted" for, gasp, Richard M. Nixon.

*49 year old Pizzaboy hangs his head in shame.*

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