To go back to the retirement theme!
I was talking to a patient last night,a really nice guy who has to come in 3 times a week for dialysis. He has had all sorts of health problems and had to have one leg amputated below the knee! Through it all he has kept on at work but it has finally become to much for him and he is being forced into early retirement. He is only 50 and was telling me that he is dreading it. The only thing that has kept him focused through his problems has been work. "What am i going to do now?" he told me. "Sit in the house all day waiting for a fucking kidney?".

When he was telling me this i felt grateful to be fit and healthy and capable of going to work every day.

P.S. Only 27 and a half years to go till my retirement date whistle

I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees!