Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Oh, and Scott McClellan too? I always felt like poor Scott was somewhat of an innocent scapegoat. I am not surprised he "switched". Also, I don't know names, but several Republicans have said they will be voting for Obama. Gee, ya think even the Neocons will secretly swtich
and give Obama a huge win? wink


There was an ABC poll recently where Obama had 22% conservative support, which if it holds on Election Day would be the best conservative turn-out for a Democratic candidate since Jimmy Carter in 1976. Mind you, this is "Conservative" and not necessarily "Republican" (A recent WSJ poll gives it between 5-12%)

Really, I've asked repeatedly to the hard-skulled NeoCons within the GOP (when they aren't purging members for speaking out against Palin) why all these disgruntled social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, libertarians, moderate Republicans, and even a few NeoCons are jumping ship to become "Obamacons" (Republicans for Obama).

The quicker they understand the question to that answer, the quicker they may have a chance in the future to return to power.

Anyway TIS, for your viewing pleasure (or boredom), here are some of the Obamacons:

*Colin Powell - Fmr. Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
*Fmr. Minnesota Governor Arne Carlson (1991-99)
*Fmr. Minnesota Senator David Durenberger (1978-1995)
*Fmr. Connecticut Governor/Senator Lowell Weicker (1991-95/1971-1989)
*Fmr. Virginia Governor Linwood Holton (1970-74) father-in-law of current Governor Tim Kaine.
*Ken Adelman - Neo-Con activist/Pentagon adivsor for Ford/Reagan/Dubya administrations.
*Fmr. Iowa Congressman Jim Leach (1977-2007)
*Fmr. Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee (1998-2007)- Only GOP Senator to vote against Iraq War.
*Wick Allison - Fmr. publisher of National Review
*Jack Antaramian - Florida real estate developer and Dubya fundraiser
*Fmr. Mayor of Los Angeles Richard Riordan (1993-2001)
*Julie Nixon Eisenhower - daughter of former President Richard Nixon, granddaughter-in law of Dwight D. Eisenhower
*Lilibet Hagel - Wife of Senator Chuck Hagel
*Rita E. Hauser - Fmr. Dubya White House intelligence advisor
*Larry Hunter - Fmr. Reagan policy adivsor/Chief Economist for the Free Enterprise Fund
*Dennis Hopper - Long-time Hollywood Republican, even appeared in the recent conservative comedy AN AMERICAN CAROL.
*Paul O'Neill - United States Secretary of the Treasury from 2001-02 under Dubya
*David Ruder - Chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission under President Ronald Reagan [43]
*Frank Schaeffer - pro-life advocate and the son of evangelist Francis Schaeffer.
*Rear Admiral John Hutson, USN (ret.) - Fmr. Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Navy.
*Legal scholar Douglas Kmiec
*Conservative columnist/novelist Christopher Buckley - Author of the libertarian novel THANK YOU FOR SMOKING (which became an awesome movie with Aaron "Two-Face" Eckhart). From the outrage at his endorsement, resigned as a regular writer for The National Review, the legendary conservative magazine founded by his father, William Buckley.
*Pennsylvania talk-show host Michael Smerconish - Though someone here at BB.Net told me that he wasn't really conservative per say, but would ABC News lie? OK, maybe they would.
*The Chicago Tribune - In its entire 161-year publishing history, Obama becomes their first Democratic presidential endorsement.
*Fairbanks North Star Borough mayor Jim Whitaker - Delivered a speech on the second day of the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 10/23/08 10:31 PM.