If you don't have the energy to read the whole thing...just scroll down to quote in the final paragraph. That pretty much says it all.

Expect the Worst From an Obama Administration
October 29, 2008
By: John LeBoutillier

If Barack Obama wins this election, what will the next 4 years be like in this country?

Obama and the Dem supermajority in Congress, led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, will certainly move to the extreme left. There will be no one to check their most liberal instincts, and that will be reflected in the types of new programs we will see.

They will try to move the nation to Western European-style socialism...This means heavier federal involvement in healthcare; perhaps the federal gov't will eventually take this over and nationalize it.

All aspects of our lives will be affected by federal programs — from schools to energy subsidies to doctors’ salaries to regulation of hospital costs to corporate governance to federal mandates on states and municipalities to a federal takeover of many pension funds.

Yes, these unrestrained liberals, drunk with power, will impose the incorrectly named Fairness Doctrine to nail Limbaugh and Hannity and Savage and their local acolytes. The left sees talk radio as the one bastion of the media they can’t penetrate, so they’ll simply neutralize it with this doctrine.

They will cut defense spending — perhaps by up to 25% — as a quick way to move money into social programs.

They will create massive new gov't spending programs, supposedly to rebuild our “crumbling infrastructure,” but as a payoff to their labor pals...For the first year or two, the so-called mainstream media will remain totally in Obama's pocket, shilling for this leftist agenda. Some writer will coin a phrase, i.e. the "Square Deal," the "Real Deal," or the "Great Society," which will describe what Obama is trying to do.

The idea of sending U.S. troops to hot spots such as Darfur and Kenya will come up soon after the inauguration.

Michelle Obama will quickly become the most unpopular first lady ever. Some people will almost miss the days of Hillary. Stories will abound about how she is hurting her husband’s political standing. His staff will try to muzzle her, and stories will then surface that there is a war between the Obamas inside the White House.

Pakistan will deteriorate and almost fracture, and Obama will be more aggressive toward al-Qaida and the Taliban than Bush.

Obama will tilt pro-Palestinian, and his relations with Israel will deteriorate. No American president will have had such bad relations with our staunchest ally.

By the Fall of 2009, Obama’s approval rating will be down to 42 percent; his disapproval rating will be 45; the nation will — again — be divided.

Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will not be frequent visitors to the Obama White House; the savvy Obama staff will try not to allow the Obama administration to be tainted by the two...

Iran will smell weakness in Obama and make a move of some sort, perhaps in Lebanon. Or, possibly, Tehran and Obama will make peace first and have a summit, and then Iran will take advantage of a weak Obama.

Leftists of all stripes will emerge as new "stars" in the Obama era...All sorts of crazy ideas will surface, from nationalizing certain companies and industries to God knows what.

Capitalism will be seen as an evil; the anti-capitalistic nonsense taught in our colleges and universities will rear its ugly head in statements, confirmation hearings, and interviews with new administration figures.

Congress will try to free hundreds of thousands of prison inmates who are serving time for drug and non-violent offenses; and then they’ll try to register them to vote for the Democrats in the 2010 mid-term elections.

Most of G.W. Bush’s executive orders regarding family planning, stem-cell research, and foreign aid, coupled with family planning, will be reversed.

Obama and the Democrats will grant amnesty to the 12 to 30 million illegals already here, and the border fence will never be completed. Millions of new illegals will continue to stream into our nation, and the Dems will try to register these new voters as Democrats, of course, and that will alter all our politics for years to come.

The Obama-Democratic congressional axis will nominate and confirm the most left-leaning federal judges in our history ... Watch out — some real whackos are coming onto the bench.

The Obama years will be the culmination of the last 40 years of horrendously biased education coupled with a climate of liberal guilt and political correctness.

Here's a quote from the Oct. 14 British Spectator that sums it up perfectly:

"You have to pinch yourself — a Marxist radical who all his life has been mentored by, sat at the feet of, worshiped with, befriended, endorsed the philosophy of, funded and been in turn funded, politically promoted and supported by a nexus comprising black power anti-white racists, Jew-haters, revolutionary Marxists, unrepentant former terrorists and Chicago mobsters, is on the verge of becoming President of the United States. And apparently it's considered impolite to say so."

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Last edited by AppleOnYa; 10/29/08 09:31 PM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.