Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

Danito, if the fact of the matter is that you just happened to be working for NGO at the same time that one of the 9/11 murders did, that in no way means that you are guilty of anything.

As for what I posted about Obama's asociation with the names that I listed, well please put it in the context that it was menat to be in when reading it. Notice the "coinicidental" little cirlce there and how one person intertwined and/ or was involved with another in some capacity. wink It just so happens that the convicted felon from that "little circle" happened to also be a member of Obama's campaign finance committee who just happened to approach the board of directors of the Woods fund that this Columbia Professor's wife was President of while Obama just happened to be serving on the board of directors along with someone else on that same board who was a member of a terrorist group who had bombed the US capitol in 1971.

Perhaps you and your friend SC, yes, should do a bit more research and look into into how Senator Obama just happened to get involved in a land deal with the convicted felon who was once a key member of Obama's campaign finance committee. A deal that took place at a time when it was widely known that he was under investigation.

It has nothing to do with my being a George Bush supporter whatsoever. As far as I am concerned this Presidential election is about the TWO candidates who are running for President right now, what they stand for, what THEIR backgrounds are, what they've done, and what they say they plan to do for the people of this country. That is what concerns me.

What do we really know about Senator Barack Obama as far as his background goes? What experience does he really have that qualifies him to take on the most responsible and burdensome job of running an entire country and leading it as the Commander In Chief?

McCain's resume is much larger than Obama's. McCain has a background that is a solid one that can be and has been varified, with maybe a minimal amount of unanswered questions.

If both these men were applying for a job in a company that I owned and I went over both of their resumes and did a background check on both of them, it would be irresponsible of me not to hire someone like John McCain over Barack Obama, to work for my company.

With all due respect, DC, I do not share your concerns. I agree it was sleazy of Obama to throw his weight around to get his house, but no worse than McCain's palling around with Charles Keating, which IMHO is far more troublesome. Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and it is not surprising that he has associations with. As I understand it McCain has some kind of connection to the Palestinian professor as well. There is NOTHING wrong with talking to people on different sides of an issue even when they happen to disagree with the Zionist (as distinguished from the Israeli)agenda. As for Ayers and his wife, it is more troubling to me that he said what he said after 9/11 than what he did back in 1971, when things were pretty crazy in this country (don't forget a year earlier U.S. troops fired on and killed innocent demonstrators at Kent State...this does not justify bombing the pentagon, but it is indicative of the divisiveness of those times). In any case the Ayers thing is a non starter. He and Obama served on some board, and apparently Ayers threw a fund raiser for his failed run for congress.

Personally I think the next president should listen to all kinds of points of view on all kinds of issues. We have had enough of this "You are either with us or agaist us" nonsense, and McCain offers more of the same.

You say we should not be focusing on Bush but on the people running now. I do not agree that the GOP should not be held accountable for his disastrous administration, but for the sake of this posting I will concede the point, and take your example of "who would you hire." When examining this you have to look not only at the presidential picks, but the vice presidents as well. Quite bluntly Sarah Palin is not qualified to be the president of the United States. Period. McCain's picking her demonstrates the kind of irrational and impetuous thinking that has made him a colorful and sometimes great senator, but it (among many other things) also shows he lacks the temperament to be president. No question that we would al like to have seen Obama serve another term in the senate or a term or two as governor of Illinois, but bottom line I am bot buying into this smear campaign of rumors and innuendo that has been circulating this past week...and I am mindful that McCain has put this race within 5 points in lss than a week since he started with this "socialist" "terrorist" and guilt by association business. Even though Biden is a one man gaffe machine who "talks when he should listen," as Vito might say,
he is head and shoulders more qualified to help Obama and to step in if need be.
Our greatest challenge is going to be economic, not military. If we continue to bleed money and lose our industral base while China continues an economic and military build up, all this Muslim business is going to look like a day at the beach in another decade. We need to move forward, not backward, and we need someone wth the vision to get us moving again. This makes Obama-Biden an easy choice.

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."