One of our Social Studies teacher held a mock election for students only (middle school). Our demographics roughly: Income: Middle/lower class families; White 48% Hispanic and black are the majority with a small per centage of Middle Eastern (this is my rough estimate). We have approximately 1400 students enrolled. (For some reason, I couldn't copy/paste the document, so I roughly typed it. ohwell

While obviously these kids won't vote, I'm assuming it may reflect their parents preferences. We will have voting at my school site Tuesday. I'll be extremely curious on turnout.



Barack Obama 858 76%
John McCain 240 21.26 %
Cynthia McKinney 12 1.06%
Ralph Nader 6 .53%
Bob Barr 6 .27%
Alan Keyes 3 .35%

Now here are the statistics nationwide when given to Middle School students: I wasn't aware they did this

Barack Obama 60.8%
John McCain 35.52%
Ralph Nader 1.06%
Bob Barr .90%
Cynthia McKinney .32%
Alan Keyes .02%


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon