Watching Joe the Plumber reminds me of Mike Judge's IDIOCRACY. You know, that comedy where the idiots overbreed and a thousand years later, a lazy-ass mediocre-intelligent librarian (Luke Wilson) from 2000s is the smartest man in 3000s America (who've elected a pro wrestler as President.)

That future, where speaking clear proper English is seen as "faggish" and "pompous," is a fantastical hyperbole pisser by Judge on the Anti-Intellectualism in America.

What is wrong with being intelligent? That is what I want to ask DoubleJ and Freddie C. and Appleonya.

Hell, it took an intellectual like William Buckley to help clear out the American Conservatism of the 1940s, stocked mostly of John Birch Society nutjobs and Anti-Semites, and make it respectable and legitimate.

It took an intellectual like Buckley, NOT Sarah Palin NOT Dubya NOT Joe the fucking Plumber, but a smart guy to allow someone like Reagan and Dubya to be elected President decades later.

I mean, the Republicans are asking to get FUCKED when they call George Will a R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only). I mean how fucking retarded has that movement become?