Today, for some reason, I decided to organize old pictures, momentos and such. Fortunately when I move to my condo, I got rid of a lot of junk. smile

Now, in anticipation of retiring (hopefully soon), I'm at a point where I want to throw away things I don't use and sort things I want saved for my kids and grandkids.

One of my very old photo albums from when I was a kid and got a camera for Christmas was literally falling apart. I took all the pictures out, as the pages of the album literally cracked/snapped apart. lol I'll get another album for those memories (all black and white). I saved of course personal events and experiences like memorable concerts I attended, my parents picture from the newspaper when they celebrated 50 years of marriage; and my cousin's Ordination whih was the first and only ordination I had ever been to.

At the very end of the album I found pictures I had collected of a series of JFK photos which, if I'm not mistaken came from Bazooka bubblegum during the early sixties (like they did with baseball cards, for those who remember). I peeled those off and am storing them along with several what I think my be historic newspaper articles (i.e. Elvis's death, JFK Assassination; John Lennon's murder; 911 WTC attack, newspaper from Jan. 1, 2000; and the latest of the Obama Presidency win.

I took SC's advice and got one of those vacuum seald bags and a plastic container to put it it. I just wish I would have taken better care of some of the older articles which are pretty yellow and antique looking.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon