I don't know a lot about Eric Holder, except he was Deputy AJ for Clinton I believe.
I agree with DT in that we certainly can't expect Obama to perform miracles. I am hoping the public and his supporters in general will be well aware of the fact that he has so much on his plate, it would be virtully impossible to accomplish everthing he wants to (if that) probably through his first term. I think many are just so high on hope and so happy for change, they are having a hard time containing it. As one pundit said earlier, most people are high on celebrating change that they are not dancing on the Bush grave (so to speak).
Speaking of which. I hear they expect at least 4 million to attend the inaugration.

Here, I seriously wanted to go right???? Ha ha...what a joke. They say tickets are very very limited. Some have tried selling them on Ebay I hear. Diane Fienstein just came out and said it was illegal. They should be free. BUT, hotels in the area are jacking up there prices. Wow!!! I guess I'll watch on tv and go to D.C. later.