We NEVER had a color tv either. I remember being at someone's house when color tv was so new. You're right. It looked so awesome seeing everything in color.
Also, same type thing with dishwashers. How cool were they? My mom never had one of those either....except my sister and I of course.

No matter where we'd be invited for dinner, everytime the hostess started to clear the table, my mom would say "sit down, my girls will be happy to do it." My sister and I would of course obediently get up and wash the dishes, but say to each other some smart ass remark like "we gotta do ALL these dishes.

My sister got married and seven months later I got married (1970). Within a year or so my parents moved and my dad bought a color tv and my mom had a dishwasher in her house. To this day we still joke with my dad on how he waited til we were gone before buying those two things.