On January 21, 2009 a guy comes to the White House gate and says to the guard, "Excuse me, but may I go inside to see President Bush?" The guard politely says, "Sir, President Bush is no longer here, President Barack Obama is now in office."
The next day the same guy coms back to the same guard and again he asks if he can go in and see President Bush. Again the guard says, "Sir, as I tld you yesterday President Bush is no longer here, President Barack Obama is now in office.

The third day the same guy comes back once more and asks the guard the same question. The guard is now exasperated and says, "You've come here three times asking for President Bush and three times I have told you that President Bush is out of office and tht Barack Obama is now in office. What's the matter with you?

The guy replies, "Nothing's the matter with me. I just like hearing you say that."

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."