Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Would you prefer he picked people without experience to lead his national security team? I wouldn't.

Of course not. And I really want him to be a successful President and sincerely hope that his policies and ideas do make things better for all. I do know that I would have felt a lot better had he picked an "experienced" person, perhaps someone like Senator John McCain, to serve as Secretary Of Defense.

You do have to admit Lou that it's really interesting, if not funny, that Obama built a campaign platform calling for "change" all through the democratic campaign and all through the presidential campaign.....and then goes and picks several former Clinton people to serve under him...including Hillary! What happened to all this "CHANGE" that he talked about for the last 9 months?

"We need change from tired Washington insiders and Clinton-era retreads"

-Barack Obama during Democratic debates. These are HIS words, not mine! wink

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

Don Cardi, Don Cardi, I understand how hard you are taking this election, but when you come to these boards you should understand what these pezzanovante say to one another in their campaigns has little to do with what they do when they get into office. It was not so long ago I racall the term "compassionate conservative" being bandied about by that Texas politician who you had in your pocket like so many nickels and dimes. You come here and ask for fair judgment on Obama, but he is not even sworn in yet so there can be no judgment. If you had come to here in friendship and respect we could reason together without having to broadcast to everyone what we are thinking. Please my friend, stop acting like a Hollywood finocchio who cries like a woman. You look terrible. I want you to eat. Get some rest. This Marine big shot who is the chief foreign policy advisor will give you some comfort.

dontomasso, I said that I would listen to you because, I heard that you're a serious man, to be treated with respect.

But uh, I must say "no" to you -- and I'll give you my reasons. It's true, I have a lot of friends in politics, but they wouldn't be friendly very long if they knew that I supported Hillary Clinton for this position. Hillary is a dirty whoring power monger. It -- makes -- it doesn't make any difference to me who a man votes for, understand. But your party's pick is ah -- a little dangerous. I don't like Clinton's kind of people. I don't like to see her come out to represent this clean country with her horrible hair -- dressed up in those silk pantsuits - and try to pass herself off as decent a American. And -- the dishonest way she poses yourself. Her and her whole fucking family. We may be part of the same hypocrisy, but don't ever think that it applies to my family.

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
They are not "retreads" they were all young up and coming assistants. Its not like they are bringing Warren Christoher back.

Sec. Defense Gates a "retread"??
Former Marine Corps Commandant a "retread?"
Governor of Arizona (the next blue state) a "retread?".

Hillary Clinton, and up and coming assistant?
Rahm Emanuel, and up and coming assitant?

The only positive out of Hillary being picked for this position is that she will be gone as the Senator of my state! clap

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Let's see, Clinton-era retreads,

Again SB, President Elect Barack Obama's words....not mine. Perhaps you should e-mail HIM and ask HIM why he referred to them as "Clinton Era Retreads." wink

Originally Posted By: SC
It's politics.

My point exactly!

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.