A mafia boss has been ripped off by his book-keeper to the tune of 10 million dollars. He especially chose this chap because he was deaf and therefore could'nt hear any of his "business",so could'nt testify against him in court.
However he had done the dirty with the money so the boss went to see him,taking along his attorney ,who knew how to sign.
Once they had the deaf guy in a chair the boss tells his lawyer to sign for him
"wheres my fuckin money?"
"i don't know", pleads the deaf man.
"Yes you do. Last chance now. where's my fuckin money?"
"I swear i don't know", signs the man with shaking hands.
The boss takes out his gun and puts it to the guys head.
"Tell him if he does'nt tell me where my money is in the next 10 seconds i'm gonna blow his brains out?" he tells his lawyer.
The lawyer signs this to the man and he signs back in a frenzy.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry. The money is buried in my cousin Enzo's garden,behind the pond. Tell him i'm sorry. Please don't let him kill me".
"What did he say?"growls the boss.
"He said you haven't got the guts to shoot anybody you fat bastard" says the lawyer