Do any of you think that this economy crisis is much much worse than most think? I read a story from Bloomberg news today (for some reason I can't copy/paste the link) indicating we are very close to a depression but no one is saying so. frown

And, on a personal level, it IS affecting my job. Myself and another girl in my office do more or less the same job(we split it). She has been out on disabiliy now nearly all school year and I have had to handle the full load. mad We all got a letter from the district saying we should "expect" bigger work loads and that they are not hiring for the most part. I have come to the conclusion that they are not even going to attempt to replace this girl. This was more or less confirmed by the Principal (in so many words) who politely told me the same thing. I don't mind working hard at all, but I am only one person and can do only so much and I am pissed!!
I don't mind telling you that I am ready to pull my hair out. Friday was he worse (and busiest) day for me ever.

Even our wonderful Governor told everyone (the schools) to expect many more cuts in not only programs but employees. Thus perhaps (for me anyway)the upside......which is, the possibility of the "golden handshake" in which the district offers long term individuals a package to early retirement enabling them to cut jobs and if they rehire will rehire will less wages and fewer benefits. Not good for anyone else I'm afraid, but I'd jump at an offer. Rumor has it, that they might offer it this year. God, I hope so, cause baby I am soooooooooo there. In any case, next school year will be my last unless I just can't take the bullishit anymore and leave before this year is up. I'm ready!


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon