The actor who played the man at the counter in the members only jacket is Paolo Colandrea. My first thought was, wow what an Italian sounding name. In fact it sounds like this guy was "from the other side". Now, how many times did Tony "farm out" a big time hit to the "zips" in order to insulate himself from being implicated. I mention this because is it possible the actor chosen to play the part (Paolo Colandrea) was chosen partly because of his name? If Tony and the jersey crew had ties to the homeland it would be plausible to think NY had at least similair ties! I know this may be a little far fetched but I feel that using this actor was something David Chase INTENDED and hints to this man being a hired hit man from "the other side". It would make perfect sense given that Tony would have NO IDEA who this guy was and in the last episode he makes no indication of being on edge or concerned with him, although, Paolo definetly has distinct intetrest in what was going on at the Soprano family table in Holsten's.