I agree with Blibble and SC that this is a joke already. but on the other hand, that's the baseball we're all used to. with the great Rays and Red Sox teams and the Yankees still full of holes (even after all the signings), the Bombers were about to become losers and then it would be another sport. Blibble raised an interesting point that the best thing for baseball would be the Yankees and Red Sox to win the World Series 10 years in a row because then people would do something about the spending, but maybe that's one of the cool things about the game: the underdog stories. the Yankees love to do bad personnel decisions and they're a long shot away from domination right now.

and even if the Red Sox became the mini-Yankees, much of their success comes from great work by their front office. they spend much, much better money than the Yankees. they let one of the best players slip away (Hanley Ramirez) and still put together a World Series champion team.

the NY Post article that Irish brought up is very interesting. I hadn't figured it all out but smart baseball people did. putting together a good team demands seeing the big picture and what the articles says is true. if the Yankees didn't sign Teixeira now, they'd have to sign a lesser version the next year and people would complain anyway.

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk