I'm going to remain consistant here.

As I have indicated over the years when stories came out for the world to see about President Bush and some of the embarrassing and ridiculous accusations that were made, I will re-iterate once again.....It's disgusting how the press in this country TRIES to air the dirty laundry that they SUSPECT our Commander In Chief of POSSIBLY being involved in! Be it George W. Bush or Barack Obama! These men are our current and our future leaders respectively and at a time when there are scumbags out in this world looking to hurt our country, it's existance and it's image, our press should be ashamed of themselves for posting stories that do no more than IMPLY that our Commander In Chief and / or our future Commander In Chief, is involved in some sort of a scandal.

What was done to President Bush during this war, by some of the press and some from the far left, was a form of aiding and abetting our enemies! And what's being done to President Elect Barak Obama by our press and by the far right, during a time of war and also a critical time domestically, is once again aiding and abetting our enemies!

Just more fodder being supplied, by our own press and some of our own people, for the enemy to use against us in the propaganda part of war.

It disgusts me.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.