A fascinating account of one of WWII's most brutal battles. A must read for any devotees of military history. The courage and bravery both sides showed in this charnel house of a battle is humbling!
Yogi, this caught my eye, thank you. I visited Monte Cassino in 2003 while on a pilgrimage to Italy. Monte Cassino was a stop on our third day. It is the site of the earliest recorded monastery founded by St. Benedict in 542 AD. Throughout history it suffered many invasions, but was resilient. During the war it was reduced to a pile of rubble and then rebuilt. It was a very inspirational and moving visit. I will have to read the book. Monte Cassino and the abbey on top
The Polish soldier's cemetery on the adjacent hillside.
Inside the abbey grounds; statue of St. Scholastica, Benedict's sister.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12