i have lots of solid arguments that show that after christopher shoot jt he decided to flip. as a matter of fact in his final scene he is wearing a wire - in his hat!! anyone remember the last time a character wore a ballcap on the sopranos? yup, i forget the guys name but the fbi wired his hat. it was the "MOST" or Museam of Science and Trucking hat. with CM it's a Clever hat of course.
where was the blowback for jt's murder? tony would have been super pissed when he found out. apparently he never found out. how can this be? the cold mysterious blooded murder of a hollywood screenwriter with mob connections (Clever) didn't make the news? it must have been covered up then. by who? we see CM leave the scene. he just walks out. remember when tony killed ralph? all the precautions they took?
of course the cops covered it up as part of the christopher flipping deal.
that's why CM shot JT in the first place. because he at that moment decided to flip and didn't want to change his mind. shooting jt and waiting to get caught took all the decision out of it.
by the way, notice how the car flips in the accident? symbolism.
and after the wreck CM tells tony that he needs to get a cab because he's on drugs and if afraid he'l lose his licence. do you really think CM is afraid of losing a drivers licence? especially when he must know he needs an ambulance? no, what he's afraid of his that tony may see the paramedics find the wire. and why did he fall off the wagon that night anyway? to deal with the stress and shame of wearing the wire.
thoughts anyone?

Now you know how I felt when I wrote like this.