All I wanted to do was take my annual bath (shush it, I normally shower! ) ... a nice long, hot soak ... and so I'm sitting in there, lathering up, waiting for the water to get nice and hot... and it's getting colder and colder, and I'm like WTF!!!! I'm all soaped up in a tub of luke warm water and now I gotta rinse off in water that is now ice cold!!! Not warm, ...freezing cold! God I hate my neighbors!!
How funny!! I got home from work yesterday and jumped in the shower (I had to wash my hair, or I'd take a hot bath). Anyway, my condo had NO hot water either. I hated it. As I was getting my hair wet I'm saying "shit, shit, burr, damn, f..." It was awful. You know how I hate being cold.
This morning when I woke up, still no hot water. I called the association who told me that several buildings in my complex were without hot water and that they got tons of calls. Gee, ya think??? The lady was nice as she told me that normally when there is any work done and the water needs to be shut off, all the people get a notice. Well, the repair people took it upon themsleves to just start the work without any notificaion. I hate hate hate cold showers. Thank God, the water is nice and hot tonight. Maybe your apartment and my condo have the same management. LOL
Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 01/27/0909:50 PM.
"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK