DC, I'm sure people work for vehicle battery manufacturers, I'm sure people work in the arts. And I'm sure that people work for agencies that administer smoking cessation programs and administer counseling programs re: STDs, not to mention those who manufacture nicotine patches and condoms!!
Plus, what you're talking about is about $750 MILLION of $827 BILLION, overall a small percentage. Sounds like propaganda to me!

What is most important is that the stimulus package offers tax cuts and it offers incentives to first-time homebuyers and those buying new automobiles. Since housing and autos have been hit so hard, I'm holding out hope that things will start to look up.
No one is disputing the part of the stimulus package that addresses tax cuts, first time homebuyer incentives, new car purchases, etc. That what it's supposed to be all about.
But it insults the intelligence of the taxpaying citizen when people defend these bullshit "add on" pork packages that give $400 million for sexually transmitted disease prevention! I haven't seen anything on CNN or CNBC informing us that 10,000 people in the condom / sexually transmitted disease prevention industry were about to lose their jobs! Let's be realistic here! These kinds of add ons are the "I'll make you a deal" add ons. They're from senators and congressman who have promised to push for certain bills in return for getting support and votes from various lobbyists.
Want to prevent sexually transmitted diseases? Want to fund that prevention? Fine, I have no problem with doing so. But make those kinds of issues a seperate package. Don't try and disguise it, attach it and hide it under a stimulus package that specifically is supposed to be designed to help the overall economy in a country that is only inches away from financial disaster! PRIORITY!
Use that $400 Million to help people who are about to lose their homes!
The attitude of it only being $750 million dollars, only being a small percentage of the package is exactly what has been part of the problem that has contributed to the situation that we now find ourselves in.
It only being $750 Million as part of this package, and then it only being $350 Million as part of that package, and once again it only being $900 Million as part of this package, adds up over time. It eventually adds up to a lot of money.
It may only be a small percentage dollar wise in the big pictured scheme of things to you, but when you stop and think about it, that "only" $750 Million can go a very long way in saving that many more homes for those families who are about to lose their homes!