Well, I admit was blow drying my hair during the first part of the press conference,

BUT I muted the tv and read the subtitles. Very well prepared and very detailed. What a great change of pace of what we were use to. Anyway, I read that he spent 7 minutes each answering the first few questions.
I am no financial wizard and find it somewhat confusing to a degree, but he seemed to answer in clear convic answers and much detail.
I think whenever he was asked questions that he wasn't expecting, like which Middle-Eastern countries have nukes* or the military coffins issue, you could tell that it took a good minute or two of him rambling to remember his talking point. Its like cramming for a test, it takes you time to come back to mind the answer.
But for the part which Americans only cared about, THE STIMULUS, I thought he sold it pretty well. I mean his argument for wanting to spend $$$ to refurbish government buildings to be more environmentally efficient made good common sense, which is what he's been probably lacking so far.
Still I'm with TIS, its nice that we have a President who seems to at least act like he understands what he's talking about, an issue that most of us don't really fully comprehend, or want to quite honestly. Hell, its weird after the Dubya Epoch to have Professor Obama giving his lecture, isn't it?

*=Israel, and maybe Iran