Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
But as a player he was one of the greatest hitters and played as hard as anybody. It's sad to think that if he had just retired instead of becoming a manager, then he'd probably be in the the HoF.

Rose is the only player I've ever seen, for whom I can't find a comparison. For all the other greats there are easy comparisons: Clemens and Randy Johnson; Gwynn and Carew;Brett and Boggs; Carlton and Seaver.

But Rose stood apart. He played many games at three infield positions and the corner outfield spots. He played everything to the max regardless of the time of year or score of the game, and he was unbelievably clutch. If he were reinstated and elected to the Hall, I'd certainly be there to see it.

Too bad his judgement wasn't on par with his baseball performance. Great baseball players are often times not so great at managing their personal lives.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12