You know, at first I wrote a long response to your reply. Relies to everything that you once again,for what is probably the 100th time, brought up about the previous administration. But after reading it and seeing that once again all we would be doing is rehashing what we've been debating probably for the past 5 years. I realized that all my response would do was bring back the finger pointing and blame that both political sides have made at their respective parties from the two previous administrations. I realized that it would be fruitless to revist those same disagreements once again.

However I will say that I find it quite ironic that it is NOT the former Bush supporters who keep bringing him up whenever a point is made about current President Obama, but it is actually the Bush haters and the Obama supporters who seem to constantly bring up former President Bush! I think that the Bush supporters have let go. We have realized and accepted that it is time to move on and give support to our newly elected President and his current administration. But the hatred for former president Bush, as displayed for example by Don Z above, continues on! The same people that voted for and agreed that it was time to move on and let go of what took place with the last two adminstrations are the same people who keep reverting back! lol

I also find it quite interesting, as displayed already in this thread, that whenever someone points out, what they feel is or may be a wrong doing by President Obama, instead of the Obama lovers trying to explain or defend what he may have or is deciding to do, they completely ignore the issue and just bring up something random about former President Bush! It's just unbelievable! Case in point is the post that I made about what I felt was a campaign promise that was broken by the President. Instead of trying to debate what I had posted or try to explain to me that it was not as it appeared to be, my post was completely ignored. But the attack on a former President WAS indeed made!

Why in the world Don Z decided, in this thread, to portray former President Bush as being a scumbag is beyond me. It and he (Bush) has absolutely nothing to do with this thread! Only thing that I can chalk his randomn post off to is sheer hatred Of his not being able to let go and move on.

But let's all be honest here, like him or support him or not, President Bush was a pretty compassionate man and you cannot deny that.

Oh, and for what it's worth, the last picture on the bottom of that post that I made is a little girl who's parents were murdered on 9/11 at the hands of one of those scumbags that pizzaboy started a post about over in another topic. You remember, the guy that was the mastermind behind those attacks....the one that was captured a few years ago....the one that our current President has now forbidden to be called an enemy combatant.

So let's move on here. Let's work towards that "Change" that our current president and his supporters constantly talked about for the last year or so.

I'm ready to do so and I didn't even vote for him.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.